Elmera Group believes that companies have responsibilities beyond maximizing profits for the shareholders. The Group has addressed this responsibility in its climate Initiative "Klimanjaro", where we required our suppliers to become climate neutral* by 2019.
* After "Klimanjaro" was initiated, the UN has changed the definitions of climate neutrality. Claims of carbon neutrality, net zero or similar are out of the scope of Climate Neutral Now. Accordingly, Elmera Group has updated its requirement from climate neutrality to climate commitment.
There is broad consensus that climate change is accelerating, and the Paris Agreement states that we need to keep the global temperature from rising more than two degrees Celsius over preindustrial levels, or else climate change will spiral out of control.
In Norway, the Confederation of Norwegian Enterprise (NHO) and the Norwegian Confederation of Trade Unions (LO) actively urge the private sector to lead the way and introduce initiatives to combat climate change.
However, the changes that companies and policymakers are willing to implement are not in keeping with the seriousness of the impending crisis.
Results first
Elmera Group has been climate committed since 2007. Today we require all our suppliers to become climate committed too, multiplying this impact by 100.
In other words: internal measures are all well and good, but we need a green value chain to really make a difference.
Elmera Group urges both public and private companies alike to set the same requirements to their suppliers. We do this in the media, at conferences and by making our "recipe" available on our website. Our goal is a domino effect that will have a real impact on climate change.
To prevent "Klimanjaro" from grinding to a halt due to disagreement on methods or definitions of climate neutrality, we use the UN’s recognized standards for measuring climate impact. The initiative has already been praised by the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).
Green shift with a green bottom line
According to NHO and LO, the actions of small and medium-sized businesses have an enormous impact on Norway's overall greenhouse gas emissions. Nevertheless, only one in ten small to medium-sized businesses currently measure their climate footprint, according to a survey conducted for NHO and LO in connection with the ITUC "Climate Action Week" campaign.
In the same survey, eight out of ten small and medium-sized businesses reported that they are extremely or very environmentally aware, but only four out of ten believe environmental initiatives can be profitable.
Elmera Group is convinced that climate commitment is a competitive advantage.
Climate commitment is not about zero emissions, but about reducing one’s own climate footprint, combined with purchasing approved climate quotas. Elmera Group is working to create a market where climate commitment is not only the ideal, but the new norm, and believes that the green shift will also yield a green bottom line.
Local action
Elmera Group has started where the initiative will make the greatest impact, but the supplier requirements in "Klimanjaro" are also being followed up with local environmental initiatives at our various locations.
In 2017, we had our three largest offices Eco-Lighthouse certified, and we work continuously to find new ways of improving our environmental performance.
At the same time, we are also looking into other ways of discharging our corporate social responsibility, parallel to "Klimanjaro".
Why "Klimanjaro"?
"Klimanjaro" is a made-up portmanteau word, combining “climate” in Norwegian with the name of Africa's highest peak, Mount Kilimanjaro. This mountain is difficult to climb, but most people manage, with proper preparation. In the same way, "Klimanjaro" is ambitious, but fully feasible. In addition, Kilimanjaro’s glaciers are shrinking as a result of anthropogenic climate change, making it a poster child for the challenges the world is facing.